Women are launching enterprises at a faster rate than men, gaining control, independence and way more satisfaction. Are you ready to start up? With Pace Univ’s Entrepreneurship Lab director Bruce Bachenheimer and serial entrepreneur Camille Hugh.
More InfoThe Olsen Twins, who know a thing or two about marketing and money, just launched a fashion line for older women. Take the hint: Four out of 10 of the nation’s top 3 million wealth holders are now women, says the IRS. More than a third (35%) of those women are age 50 to 65. With State Certified Business Advisor Freda L. Thomas and celebrity stylist Nancy Beltrandi.
More InfoFirst put on sale in June 2007, the iPhone clearly changed life forever. Next step: Developing the apps and biz model that makes hay out of the hype. With Lori Cheek, founder of Cheek’d, and Kelly Queijo, CEO, Smart College Visit.
More InfoPurpose-driven enterprises blur the line between for-profit and nonprofit, fueling the fast-rising “fourth sector.” With Andrea Lo, founder of Piggybackr.com, and Elizabeth Kulik, CEO of crowdsourcing platform ProHatch.
More InfoThe rewards of sustainable products have moved well past saving on utility bills to generating significant revenue. With Sarah Shaw, CEO, Entreprenette, and Patricia A. Boswell, founder of 100% all-natural Safonique detergent.
More InfoA deep dive into explaining why women entrepreneurs don’t seem to scale the way male-owned firms do. With Northeastern Univ’s management professor Jamie J. Ladge, and Samuella Becker, founder of TigressPR.
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